Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How has farming changed over the years?

The farming industry has changed in so many ways over the years. Not only has the equipment used evolve and change but the crops and soil themselves have changed as well as the techneques, the amount grown, and the time it takes. In some ways the chnages have been good but many are not benificial to the earth and the consumers health. In my opinion messing with natures natural cycles never ends up well.

In the early stages, farming was all done by hand, from the plowing and turning of the soil to the planting of the all natural seeds to the harvesting of the crops. Later farmers started using livestock to make the work easier which introduced animal pulled plows. Soon after, machines were introduced to the industry so that very little work had to be done by hand which ment the farms could be bigger which ment more crops. Eventually all farming was done by machine which sent the rest of the aspects of the industry in a fury of evolution.

After machines were made popular in the industry farmers realized that if they wanted to make a profit they would have to do something to make the crops grow bigger and faster. The solution was to spray the crops and soil with pesicides, steroids, and MSG. These things made it easier to transport crops and you could grow more faster. These things can not possible be good to consume.

So in conclusion the farming industry has changed so much to the extent that the food we eat now is not even the same food your grandparents ate when they were young. In my opinion when possible eat organic produce because even though it is more expensive and may not taste as good atleast you know what your putting in your body.

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